Holiday Poems

Holiday Poems - Wondering what to write in a holiday card? Here you'll see wishes, sayings, greetings, phrases, wording in poetry. Find your holiday card messages below.

Holiday Wishes

We wish for you a holiday
 That's better than your dreams,
 Filled with peace, good will and hope
 And firelight that gleams,

Overflowing with holiday spirit
 Good food and holiday laughter;
 And when it's done, We hope that you
 Live happily ever after!

By Joanna Fuchs

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Holiday greetings and messages are filled with happy reminders of the past and good wishes for the future. This holiday greeting message does just that.

Stars on dark background, yellow square with holiday poem Toward the End of the Year

Toward the End of the Year

Toward the end of the year
as the holidays approach,
anticipation builds,
happiness increases,
our joy quotient goes way up,
smiles and laughter abound.
Part of that happiness and joy
is thinking of you during the holidays,
thankful to know you.
Happy Holidays!

By Joanna Fuchs

Looking for holiday card wording? Holiday wishes, like this one, are perfect for a greeting card. This one could even work as a business holiday card message. 

Special Holidays

We're thinking of you this time of year,
 Wishing you happiness, joy, and cheer.
 May all your days be warm and bright,
 And your nights enhanced by holiday light.

Enjoy your delectable holiday foods,
 As parties and gifts create holiday moods.
 Favorite people play a meaningful part,
 While treasured rituals warm your heart.

You are special to us in many ways,
 So we wish you Happy Holidays!

By Joanna Fuchs

Sometimes, holiday greetings and phrases need to be brief. Short holiday card sayings, like this four-line message, could be used as a business holiday card message.

Sending Our Wishes

We’re thinking of you this special holiday,
 Sending our wishes for joy and happiness,
 Hoping all good things will come your way:
 Satisfaction, comfort, peace, success!

By Joanna Fuchs

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Check out our other
end-of-year holiday poems:

Christmas Poems

New Years Poems

Here's another holiday saying for a greeting card. It's a holiday card greeting that applies to most people on your holiday list. 

That Time Of Year

That time of year's come 'round again,
 So we wish you all the best.
 The joy that comes from knowing you
 Makes us feel that we've been blessed.

So we'll share with you our feelings
 At this special time of year:
 May your holidays be a delight,
 Filled with happiness and cheer.

Happy Holidays!

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Holiday poems usually contain good wishes, as this holiday card saying does. It's a short holiday wish that will fit on a card or gift tag. 

Bright Happy Time

The end-of-year holidays are here at last,
 That bright, happy time when we have a blast!
 Our wish when your new year has finally begun:
 That you look back at months full of pleasure and fun.

Happy Holidays!

By Joanna Fuchs

Children's holiday poems can be written from a child's point of view, as this holiday message is. 

Child Holiday Poem

My mom is cooking holiday treats;
 My dad is spending money;
 They think they've hidden all the gifts;
 It's really pretty funny.

Now Mom and Dad are whispering;
 They imagine I don't hear.
 I'm really all excited;
 It's a happy time of year.

I've made my holiday gift list;
 Whatever I get, I'll be glad
 To be a part of my family,
 And the best holiday I've had!

By Joanna Fuchs

Holiday sentiments are usually given to people you care about. This holiday greeting card saying is designed for that purpose. 

Joyful Holiday

At this sparkling, joyful time of year,
 We think of people who are special and dear;
 We’re sending this poem in the hopes it conveys
 Our best wishes for your Happy Holidays!

By Joanna Fuchs

Holiday poems can include all three end-of-year holidays, as this holiday saying does.

Three Holidays

The end of the year brings a special gift:
 Three holidays give our spirits a lift.
 Thanksgiving, (Christmas/Hannukah/Other holiday) and New Year’s, too,
 May they bring lots of joy and pleasure to you.

Happy Holidays!

By Joanna Fuchs

Here's more holiday poetry, in a holiday message for cards, to send to people you care about. 

Happy Holidays

It’s the end of the year, and we’re thinking of you;
 We’re searching for words, for the perfect phrase,
 To let you know that you’re special to us,
 And to wish you and yours Happy Holidays!

By Joanna Fuchs

Here's a general holiday poem to fit a lot of different applications. It's a holiday saying for cards, but it could also serve on a thank you note or gift tag.

Holiday Time 

It's holiday time,
That great time of year,
Recalling good times
With those near and dear. 

You're special to us
All the year through.
You’re often in our thoughts;
Happy Holidays to you! 

By Joanna Fuchs 

If you’re sending this short holiday poem to one person, you can change the second line to "A more special person is hard to find."

Holiday Thoughts

For this holiday, you’re on my mind.
More special people it’s hard to find.
I hope you’re filled with holiday glow.
I treasure you and want you to know.

By Joanna Fuchs

This holiday poem is also a holiday prayer. 

A Holiday Prayer

I pray for you this holiday
 That all your dreams come true;
 I pray the Lord will bless your life
 All the New Year through.

I pray your holiday gives you all
 That you’ve been hoping for,
 Health, comfort, peace and love,
 These blessings and much more.

By Joanna Fuchs

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More Poetry
Check out our other
end-of-year holiday poems:

Christmas Poems

New Years Poems

There are more than 1,000 original poems at this site.
Always remember to check out our Site Map
to access all of our greeting card poems.

Thanks for reading our holiday poetry! These holiday poems are free for use on personal greeting cards, provided that the author's name (Joanna Fuchs or Karl Fuchs) and our Web site address,, appear beneath the poem. (It can be small print; just so it's readable.) All other uses require permission. See our Terms of Use for details.

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